Solfanelli Editore Maggio 2024
Culture is a manyfaceted concept. Basically, from an élite culture there has been a transition to a mass culture and from culture as an individual personal refinement to culture as a way of life. In essence, the enemy of culture is violence that is a brutal force capable of interrupting human, interpersonal, free dialogue.
Solfanelli Editore Maggio 2024
The main contention of this book is that the strongly held belief in some sort of inevitable progress of mankind is a fallacy, mostly due to an uncritical elitarian conception of history. Progress cannot be taken for granted. In this respect, ideologies, both right and left, have often played the role of mass self-deception. Critical sociological analysis could perhaps be a useful tool to explode the false ideological promises.
Solfanelli Editore Gennaio 2024
The term and the substance of «industrial revolution» have been criticized with notable arguments by Friedrich August von Hayek and in general by the Austrian school of the «methodological individualism», including Karl Popper and Ludwig von Mises. However, in this book it is maintained and confirmed that the industrial revolution, if not a revolution as a radical break with the past, it has certainly had an impact on the traditional way of life as a global process, involving economic, social and political settings as well as individual psychological orientation and behavior.
La sociologie, vision d'ensemble
Mimesis Editore Maggio 2023
La vocation actuelle de la sociologie concerne l'étude des conditionnements réciproques entre les différents aspects du social ; au-delà, la découverte de la socialité de l'individu, c'est-à-dire que les problèmes de l'individu ont des dimensions sociales que l'individu ne peut pas contrôler. La fonction démystificatrice et, pour les sciences humaines, interdisciplinaire de la sociologie devient alors évidente.
From formal to substantive reason and beyond
Solfanelli Editore Giugno 2023
In this book a basic issue is dealt with. It concerns the transition from a purely formal rationalization, typical of a totally administered society, to a substantive reason, capable of recovering the intrinsic, non-utilitarian value of interpersonal relationship beyond any ego-centered calculation.
Religion as a social phenomenon
Solfanelli Editore Giugno 2023
It does not make any difference whether one is a true believer or not. The fact remains that religion is an important, at times decisive, social phenomenon. Following the footsteps of Max Weber, in this book the influence of religion as a lived ethics upon the routine economic behaviour is analyzed and, to a certain extent, explained.
Solfanelli Editore Giugno 2023
The importance of religion as a social phenomenon cannot be denied, and even such a professed atheist as Sigmund Freud could not help to go deep into what he called «the future of an illusion». Illusion or not, still today in the name of religion people live, collaborate or fight and eventually die.
Substantive reason versus total bureaucracy
Solfanelli Editore Aprile 2023
Formal rationality, which is typical of organized bureaucracy, whether public or private, has little, if anything, to do with substantive rationality. Thus, while it can take care of day-to-day problems, it is unable to face the challenge of sudden, explosive crises. Historically, Fascism, Nazism, Bolshevism have been the tragic responses to such inability, by crushing democratic values and freedoms to implement autocratic dictatorships.
First-Hand impressions on North America by a curious european visitor
Solfanelli Editore Aprile 2023
In this book the reader will find some impressions on the quality of life in the United Sates as experienced by a European visitor. Some contradictions are bound to became evident, such as poverty in an affluent society, a working society without a working class, the fear and the frustrated attempt to hide, if not exorcize, death. In this perspective, Americans seem to be plagued by a constant parricide complex and by the need to be loved by all the other countries. They desperately try to be seen or the most convincing historical example of «democracy» while economic and financial potentates are prone to manipulate a gullible public opinion. Perhaps, the «American dream» is bound to remain a dream although nobody will forget the decisive American contribution to defeat Nazism and Fascism in the second World War.
Shared cultural traditiones: A way out of the present crisis
Solfanelli Editore Marzo 2023
This is a dramatic plan for the positive encounter among different cultures in order to discover and take into account the basic unity of the humankind. The dilemma, especially in a nuclear age as ours, is clear and inescapable; either dialogue or perish.
Thorstein B. Veblen Sociology as social criticism
Solfanelli Editore Febbraio 2023
Sociology is necessarily social criticism. It can be regarded as a mere technical engineering only when the sociologists accept to be clowngraded to technicians ready to sell their knowledge to the best bidder in the market.
Some remarks about terrorism in Italy
Solfanelli Editore Giugno 2022
In this book, the reader will find an examination of some peculiarities of Italian terrorism, centering on the distinction between common and politically motivated violence. The Author tries to explain the type of "repented terrorism, probably possible only in a largely catholic country, where to confess and to be forgiven is a rathen common pratice among the true believers
Solfanelli Editore Giugno 2022
Tout le monde a des conseils port les jeunes. Mais il fout avan tout les e'counter pour comprendre leur desir de participer et les frustation liees a l'incomprehension des adultes, ce livre a l'ambition d'ouvrir et de developper le dialougue entre les generations.
Solfanelli Editore Giugno 2022
This book deals with the importance of life-stories for social research. Quantitative methods can be useful to describe the social context, but nobody would be willing to disclose his or her profound existential expreiences to a pre-conceived questionnaire. Hence, the biographic method is essential to describe and undestand the individuals in society.
The hidden attractiveness of violence
Solfanelli Editore Giugno 2022
Violence is obviously the sudden interruption of a rational discourse. This book deals with the strange attraction that violence seems to have precisely among intellectuals, who are sometimes mesmerized by the quick and irrational decision that cuts through all elaborate thoughts. The "agents" are praised against and above the "thinkers".
Sociology as a critique of global society and its interconnected components
Solfanelli Editore 2022
This book is concerned with industrial society as a global reality not in a Comtean mood, that is by conceiving society as a totality to be rationally analyzed and explained, but rather by thinking of society as a plurality of social elements reciprocally conditioned and dialectically interrelated. A cursory mention is made of the reception of Thorstein Veblen in Italy and of the concept of Entrepreneur in Veblen and Schumpeter.
Thoughts on communism before the fall of the soviet union
Solfanelli Editore 2022
Solfanelli Editore- 2020
This community study aims at rediscovering the individual working-man beyond ideological stereotypes in his or her workplace and on the basis of his or her lived experience. Usually the history of the working class movement has been written from above by intellectuals self-appointed proletarians. Here the workers speak for themselves and the process of industrialization reveals itself as a multi-faceted reality. Far from rationalizing a tradition bound community, it appears at times perverted and subserving a familistic pre-rational orientation.
Solfanelli Editore - 2019
Solfanelli 2019
Solfanelli Editore 2019
Notes towards the theory of dynastic capitalism
Solfanelli Editore 2018
Historicism and the lived experience
Solfanelli Editore - 2018
and cultural traditions
Sofanelli - Editore 2018
- An unauthorized portrait
Solfanelli Editore - 2018
Gangemi Editore - 2018
Solfanelli Editore - 2018
and field-work
Solfanelli Editore - 2017
Hypnotic power of violence
Solfanelli Editore - 2017
Trampolino Edizioni - 2016
Solfanelli Editore - 2016
"C'è un stagione nella vita di ognuno, suppongo, in cui viene naturale riaprire vecchi cassetti in cui, debitamente coperti da anni di polvere, giacciono alla rinfusa carte e scartafacci che si è incerti se lasciarli alla pace dell'oblio e alla critica..." - dalla prefazione dell'Autore
l'Harmattan, Parigi 2015
on Culture, Politics and Power
Editore Academicus - 2014
Il numero
speciale di «Academicus» presenta in traduzione inglese alcune dei più
importanti saggi di Franco Ferrarotti sul rapporto tra cultura, politica e
potere intese come componenti dinamiche di un universo sociale che
interagiscono tra loro e influenzano la natura e l’esperienza quotidiana.
In tale contesto, l’Autore si sofferma sulle relazioni tra filosofia e
sociologia, come strumenti di
lettura della società, sulla definizione e sul ruolo storico
dell’intellettuale, sul rapporto tra sviluppo tecnologico e rivoluzione
sociale. Sulla scorta delle teorie di Weber e Horkheimer sui processi di
razionalizzazione sociale e di burocratizzazione, viene messo al centro
dell’attenzione il caso dell’Italia, un paese diviso fra tradizione e
modernità, un esempio illuminante dell’accidentato percorso che una società
tradizionale si trova ad affrontare nel modernizzare le proprie strutture.
Historia e historias de vida
Edufrn - 2014
E' la traduzione in spagnolo di un vecchio libro di Franco Ferrarotti, Storia e storie di vita,, uscito a suo tempo presso la casa editrice Laterza. Questo invece parte dalla traduzione. francese pubblicata da Tetraede nel 2013
Histoire et histoires de vie
Tetraède - 2013
Post-modern music has an ancient heart
Verso l'Arte Edizioni - 2012
La musica post-moderna tiene un corazon antiguo
Verso l'Arte - 2012
La traduzione in spagnolo de La musica Post-Moderna ha un cuore antico.
Questo libro continua e approfondisce l'analisi interpretativa offerta in La
funzione della musica nella società tecnicamente progredita.
La Societè et l'Utopie
La lettre volée, Vottem - 2008
Una traduzione fatta da Emmanuel Lambion e Daniel Vander Gucht; l'edizione italiana è del 2001, La società e l'utopia, Ed. Donzelli.
La lettre volée - 2008
Theory for old and new modernities
Lexington Books - 2007
a cura di E. Doyle McCharty - introduzione di .M. Immacolata Macioti
L'énigme d'Alexandre
La lettre volée - Liegi - 2004
Traduzione di Matteo Solaro e Daniel Vander Gucht. L'edizione originale è del 2001, editore Donzelli.
Invitation to Classical Sociology
Lexington Books - USA - 2003
Una fe sin dogmas
Ediciones Peninsula - Barcellona - 1993
Traduzione di Marco Aurelio Galmarini di Una fede senza dogmi, edito da Laterza & Figli nel 1990.
Library of Congress USA - 1993
La historia y lo cotidiano
Ediciones Peninsula - Barcellona - 1991
Traduzione di Claudio Tognonato. L'originale italiano è del 1986, uscito con la Laterza.
Time, Memory and Society
Greenwood Press - 1990
Traduzione de Il ricordo e la temporalità
The end Of Conversation
Greenwood press - Westport, Connecticut - 1988
Traduzione americana del libro La storia e il quotidiana edito da Laterza
Max Weber and the Destiny of Reason
Associated Faculty Press Inc. - 1987
Librairie des meridiens - 1985
myth on inevitable progress
Greenwood - 1985
Una sociologia alternativa
Traduzione in giapponese de "Una sociologia alternativa" edito da De Donato nel 1972
Histoire et histoires de vie
Tetraède - 1983
A theology for non believes
Faculty Press - 1987
traduzione di Una teologia per atei" edito da Laterza nel 1983
Max Weber and the Destiny of Reason
M.E. Sharpe - 1982
Traduzione di John Fraser dalla seconda edizione di "Max Weber e il destino della ragione" che era uscito nel 1968 con gli Ed. Laterza (prima ed, 1965).
An Altenative Aociology
Irvington Publishers Inc. - New York - 1979
Traduzione di Pasqualino e Barbara Columbaro de "Una sociologia alternativa"
En marge- L'Occident et ses "autres"- AA.VV.
Aubier, Paris - 1978
Il contributo di Franco Ferrarotti è "L'Occident, les jeunes, l'irrationnel", da p. 107 a p. 124.
the Social Production of the Sacred
Essay Press - 1977
Uma sociologia alternativa
Edicoes Afrontamento - 1976
Il titolo del libro in italiano è Una sociologia alternativa, uscito a Bari da De Donato editore
El pensamiento sociologico de Auguste Comte a Max Horkheimer
Editiones peninsula - 1975
Traduzione in castigliano fatta da Carlos M. Rama, prof. alla Università Autonoma di Barcellona; è la traduzione de "Il pensiero sociologico da Auguste Comte a Max Horkheimer", uscito con le ed. Arnoldo Mondadori di Milano nel 1974.
Notes on Social Information and Human Development
Aosta - 1973